Thursday, August 23, 2007

16 August Design Meeting & Dreaming

The Gardening Action Team met with Master Gardener Jill (MG Jill) this evening to map Aveson's designated organic gardening space and exchange ideas about layout and intended use.

The eastern wall was earmarked for a composting area. The compost system will be progressive - with four cycles. Each cycle will occupy a 36x36 inch cube. To be constructed.
Classrooms and the lunch area will be outfitted with 5 gallon buckets for student collection and delivery of compost.

An arbor was proposed to provide a shaded learning area that can be adapted for lectures, hands on activities, feasting and community gathering. Grapes and vines may be trained along the arbor. Hay bales - which are inexpensive, easy to move and can be turned into mulch - will be used to create a circular seating area. To be constructed.

3x10ft planters will be positioned throughout. To be constructed.
To maximize harvests, MG Jill is proposing the Square Foot Gardening Method. See Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.

A split rail/ found wood fence decorated with recycled materials - by the students - was proposed to create a visual entry point on the West side. To be constructed.

A deep outdoor sink for washing hands and produce is needed.

A tool shed is needed.

Drip irrigation and multiple hose outlets will be installed by Aveson's Facility Manager, Phil.

The following resources were identified:

Von's - Pick up is in Sunland; email

Zeke the Sheik - though MG Jill advises that this compost requires more "cooking" time and is best to collect over the summer months when it has time to develop.


Life Lab Science Program - LOTS of gardening info for teachers

The Banana Slug String Band combines science and music. Their website contains infectious song lyrics about garden science.

Path to Freedom - Pasadena's Dervaes family offers a power point presentation for older students about sustainable living, gardening and urban homesteading.

Solar Living Institute

In Phase II there are visions of an orhcard at the West end, a greenhouse, a line of recycled bicycles that can be used to generate electricity and/or grind and blend foods.

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